Thank you for your kind comments on my post about the loss of my friend Rosemary. I appreciate your kindness and I'm so grateful for your friendship.
Faith and I went for a long walk the other day. This is one of my favorite junipers. It looks like it chose this place and got rid of the competition so it could just spread out.
The flowers are still in bloom. These may be called blue mat if I described them correctly to Jeanne, who knows about such things.
The yellow flowers grow outside my house to the east. A friend mentioned that the blue and yellow colors of the flowers are like the colors of the Ukranian flag. Blue and yellow are also the colors of the Swedish flag.
When I studied European history as a teenager, I learned there was a strong connection between our two countries from the 9th to the 13th century.

Faith found something of interest. She looks so tiny at a distance, so big when she stretches out on my bed, our bed.
The Swedish Flag
The cross flags of the Nordic countries represent Christianity and they all have a history of their own.
And now I'll continue on my blogger break.