Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Congratulations Rolling Dog Ranch!

Hi again, it's me, Princess!

Today is a happy day for us dogs! Mommy told us that her favorite animal sanctuary, Rolling Dog Ranch, won the grand prize of $20,000 in a contest where people went in their computers and voted for their favorite sanctuary every day.

What better way to show how HAPPY I am than with a few ROLLS of my own?!

First I dive in -- head first in the snow:

Then I roll over one way....see all the snow on my face?

Then I just roll around for a while, happy to know that something really, really great has happened to some good people and the animals they are working so hard to help.
Mommy says we have to thank all the people we know who voted for Rolling Dog Ranch. I say, we have to thank EVERYONE: Thank you very, very much!

Mommy has blogged about Rolling Dog Ranch before and told her friends and us dogs that it is a beautiful place where two people, Steve and Alayne, are helping animals that are blind, deaf, have cancer and all kinds of other things wrong with them. They are the last chance for the animals they rescue because often people don't want animals with special needs or they simply can't afford all it takes to take care of them.

I know I'm a lucky dog to be healthy and happy here. But there was a time when I was abandoned and lived on my own for a long time before daddy rescued me. So I know what it's like to be abandoned, lonely and hungry....I just couldn't imagine being all that and then blind or deaf too.

So congratulations Rolling Dog Ranch, all us dogs and our mommy here in our desert canyon are very happy that you won the BIG prize! We know how much it will help all the animals you care for.

You can read the blog from Rolling Dog Ranch by clicking on it in the sidebar under mommy's Favorite Blogs.

Posted by me, Princess!


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