Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Taking A Break
Monday, October 19, 2020
The Joy Of Coloring ~ Post No. 5
I'm doing well, but friends and relatives I love are going through difficult times.
I've been feeling sad, sort of helpless, because of course I can't really help. I'm finding it difficult to snap out of this.
But I know that finding ways to be creative always helps me get to a happier frame of mind.
I like colors and a few years ago, my friend Judy gave me the most gorgeous coloring books with Scandinavian motifs.
I hadn't colored since I was a child. Once I started, I seemed to have knack for it. I certainly enjoy it.
So when I need to cheer myself up, I bring out my coloring book. I'm still on the first one, a favorite.
Pretty soon, I'm smiling again.
I finished the ram a while back and right now I'm coloring a rabbit and its environment in different shades of blue.
Thank you, Judy, for gifting me all this fun, something I would never have thought to do for myself.
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Friday, October 16, 2020
The Dogs Of My Life ~ Post No. 11 ~ Samson
This posted by mistake on the 14th. With this new blog format, you have to be so careful. Since I had a cute post up about Faith pondering a dog's life, I reverted to it on the 14th and changed Samson's post to today. Sorry about this.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Wonder Dog Ponders A Dog's Life
I will dream of my mommy when she was young and strong. I will dream about us chasing each other in the fields, play hide and go seek in the woods, I will dream of her throwing me my ball at least 50 times and how I will run and run to fetch like I did when I was a young pup.
One thing I know for sure: I love her and she loves me.
I'm her helper, her best friend, her companion, and sometimes she calls me her Wonder Dog.
And being a Wonder Dog is a very good thing to be.
Monday, October 12, 2020
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and I get to nag a bit about something I see as so very important. Mammograms. Here again is my story, a small part of it, and a reminder:
I didn't feel a lump or anything unusual when I had my mammogram back in 1999. But something was wrong and the mammogram picked it up.
The cancer was stage 1 or 2, I don't remember. Because it was caught so early, I didn't need chemo which was a huge relief. But a lumpectomy, 14 lymph nodes removed, and then seven weeks of radiation therapy was not easy, nor were the five years on the drug Tamoxifen that followed.
None of this was easy, but it wasn't all that difficult either.
I was treated at the UCLA Medical Center and I decided to attend a support group for cancer patients, offered by the hospital. It was led by a remarkable woman, a three-time survivor of a very deadly cancer. As I sat at the table and looked at the other women in the group, I knew I was the healthiest, I knew many of them would not survive for long. Knowing this was not easy, but it gave me a new perspective on life and death. A lesson, not sought out, but still a lesson well worth learning.
Life is precious. I am thankful for each day. I remind myself of this every morning in a prayer of gratitude.
I was 59 years old at the time.
In the end, my cancer episode was no more than a pebble on the road of my life.
Who knows what would have happened had I decided to skip my mammogram just that one time, wait until the following year, wait maybe six months, since I was so busy.
So I got it done.
This year, I worry that women may not go because of covid-19. I know I was worried even though I live in a small town with a brand new Adventist Health hospital. I decided to make my appointment first thing in the morning. It worked out well and everything was very safe.
All that to say, I hope every woman who needs to get this done will find a way, even in the midst of this covid crisis.
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Sunday Morning Reflections
Another fall, another turned page
~Wallace Stegner
How great to find a quote by the author of one of my all time favorite books, Angle of Repose. This book about the American West, so beautifully written, so full of insights, must rate as one of the great American novels of all time.
Thursday, October 8, 2020
Fat Bear Tuesday, 10/8 Wednesday, And Daily Exercise
Here's another view from Jeanne's house.
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
My Photo Goes On A Joy Ride
One day, several years ago now, I got an email from this guy named Robert Strickland. He wanted to know if he could use a picture he saw on my blog for a CD cover. His band was coming out with a new CD called Joy Ride and he felt my photo would be just right for the cover.
When I took the picture, Errol and I were most likely not on a joy ride, but on our way to see some doctor in Bakersfield. But it's true, I always tried to make an adventure out of our trips down the mountain.
I wrote back and told Robert Strickland that of course he could use the picture, as long as I got photo credit for it. He agreed to this, used my photo, mentioned my name on the reverse side of the cover, and sent it to me with the CD inside.
This was a fun and totally unexpected experience. Goes to show that you never know what life may bring.
I had forgotten about this CD and never posted about it on my blog. When it popped up in my old photos, I decided to post the story now.
Then I checked to see if the CD was for sale on Amazon and there it was.
Seeing my photo on a cover that many people bought, evoked an interesting feeling of, could it be pride?
This was just a snapshot, after all. It required absolutely nothing other than looking down the road and clicking a button.
I thought about this for a while. I thought about people who are incredibly accomplished. I wondered how they may feel when, say a book gets picked up by a publishing house, or a painting is displayed in a museum.
Then I got it: What I felt thinking about my effortless CD cover, out there traveling the world, was just another kind of Joy Ride.
The CD came out in 2014, I haven't thought about it since then, as you know, my life was turned upside down and I had other things to think about.
And now that it popped up in my old photos and I checked it out online, I felt joyful. I had fun writing this post.
Oh, and then I went looking for my CD, I wanted to play it now that I have my new CD player.
I couldn't find it anywhere!
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Sunday Morning Reflections
I have, as it were, my own sun and moon and stars, and a little world all to myself.
~Henry David Thoreau
I have mostly stayed here in my house since March and Thoreau's words helped me remember that in addition to the dogs, there's a whole world right outside my front door: Ants, mice, ground squirrels, rabbits, chipmunks, coyotes, ravens and hundreds of other birds and critters.
And the sun and moon and stars have been my companions here all these long months.
So I am not alone, I am a small part of something: The sun and the moon and the stars. In my little world all to myself.