Faith is a dog, yes, but she's also my best friend. Living here together during these unprecedented times, we've grown even closer. Faith sleeps on my bed, where she has her own blankie. She has several blankies, they are soft.
This is how I introduced her on my blog:
Hello, my name is Faith and I will be three months old on Monday, the 28th. This is how little I was when I first came here back in June. Looking at this picture, I think my legs have grown the most.

Faith: Hey, you! It's mine, I saw it first.

First picture ~ 6/9/2014
Exploring the outside ~ 6/14/2014
My mommy's favorite picture of us playing. 6/14/2014
I have learned SIT, DOWN, STAY, COME (but that COME I don't always obey, depends on how much fun I'm having, running around) and I learned my name: FAITH.
Those were the early days. Faith's personality: I have to be first; I must have the ball; I am in charge here; and while cautious, I am totally unafraid; was there from the beginning.
After spending the first night crying for what she lost, she was out there exploring, and challenging Samson, who must have looked huge to her, to run, play and stay away from the ball she found.
Faith: Hey, you! It's mine, I saw it first.
Samson Says: Yes, but I'm bigger than you. Faith: Try if you dare, you big old fluffmonster, you!
Faith's Story
Errol was diagnosed with liver cancer in May of 2014 and was treated at UCLA Medical Center. One day in June, he went to Tractor Supply to get some snake deterrent and came home with a six-week old puppy.
He was numb after the diagnosis, depressed, no doubt. He said, "she's life-affirming." Then he said, "She will take good care of you, she will be a great ranch dog for you." "For us," I said. And went to town to buy some puppy food, which of course he had not thought to get.
Sitting in the Jeep outside the store, I wondered what we should call her. Faith, seemed about right considering everything that lay ahead. When I got back home, Errol said,"I think we should name her Faith."
Come on, Samson, I'm taking you for a walk! 7/20/14
After Errol died, Samson was terribly depressed. He was Errol's dog and their love was strong. Faith was a great distraction for both Samson and me and truly helped us both through our grief.
Part 2 will post tomorrow.