Samson Says:
Auntie Mad Snapper said it was OK for me to show my followers how we nap around here.
OK, so we all missed the nap class 101 cause we were probably snoozing anyway. That's something we're awfully good at. Wanna see how it's done? First I yawn, like this.
Then I turn over on my back and before you know it, these loud sounds come out of me: ZZZZZ, ZZZZZ, ZZZZZ, it's called snoring. Few dogs know how to it, but I know -- trick is you've got to sleep on your back.
When I was little, I'd sleep with my second mommy, Angel. I heard she never slept most of her life until I came around. She was busy keeping watch and guarding my other mommy. But I played so hard with her, cause I was little then, so she got tired and slept with me.
Here we are, a big pile of dogs. And again below here. Of course, Angel is gone now. She went over the Rainbow Bridge mommy told me. I don't know where that is but I for sure miss her lots.
So now it's just Soldier and me. When I had hormones, testy something hormones, all of a sudden Soldier would get on my nerves, so I just had to beat him up. But then I injured him badly and everyone was mad at me. And he got presents and stuff, all the way from Colorado, special EXPRESS delivery and all, and I got NOTHING!
Mommy said it was all daddy's fault and I had to get fixed. I didn't know what that was all about, but then I found out. I got fixed all right, don't ask me about it. Now I love Soldier again, but I'm not being trusted -- I guess I have to prove myself before we can be together again like this. We walk together fine and I kiss Soldier lots then, but not to sleep like this. Sorry Soldier.
But this was about sleeping -- I, what's it called again? Digress... Soldier is the sleeping expert around here.
Just look at him! He could teach Napping 101 any time if you could just manage to wake him up.
Sometimes he plays chicken without a head! He looks sooo funny!
Sometimes he grabs mommy's slipper and hugs it in his sleep. Boy, I tell you this dog can SLEEP!
Me, well here I am guarding my bone and no one dares to take it away from me while I sleep. That's all for now about our sleeping habits around here.
Have a nice day everyone!
P. S. (That means more to come) And looks who's here!
It's mommy in her new haircut auntie Rachael gave her. And her new glasses she bought herself. The reason she looks funny is cause she's still missing that tooth on the front side of her mouth. She says she's self-conscious cause she can't smile properly cause then it will show. I say, who cares?
Auntie Rachael came and went in a hurry so there's nothing more to say about that, except she'll be back next month.
Posted by Samson, the Samoyed Pup.
Have a nice day everyone!
P. S. (That means more to come) And looks who's here!

It's mommy in her new haircut auntie Rachael gave her. And her new glasses she bought herself. The reason she looks funny is cause she's still missing that tooth on the front side of her mouth. She says she's self-conscious cause she can't smile properly cause then it will show. I say, who cares?
Auntie Rachael came and went in a hurry so there's nothing more to say about that, except she'll be back next month.
Posted by Samson, the Samoyed Pup.