Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Walking with Dogs and a Slug Bug Explanation

Hello everyone......it's me again, Princess!
Let me tell you about our walks. Our walks are more fun in the winter because we go hiking in the hills. In the summer we have to stick to the roads. We have our rattlesnake vaccines, but mommy still worries, so she doesn't want us off road where we can't see a snake. I'm lucky because I'm so OBEDIENT that I get to run loose. All mommy has to say, if I stray off the road, is: "Princess, get back on the road." Angel can be loose too, because I keep an eye on her and go and get her if she strays too far. Problem with her is, she doesn't get what it means to go for a WALK off leash. She either runs and runs, really far away, or she stops and sniffs, stops and sniffs, and never goes anywhere. Soldier has to be on a leash because he runs away and I can't keep up with him and herd him home. Silly boy!
We have been taught to not rush out of the gate, but wait for mommy to go first. Mommy watches the Dog Whisperer on TV and he says you are supposed to walk next to or behind your person. I don't believe in that....I always walk in front to make sure everything is OK ahead. Mommy lets me walk wherever I want to, as long as I stay on the road.
This is Soldier's special bush. He dives right into it and then he has to lift his leg! He has messed up this bush pretty good, that's for sure.
Before we turn around and go back home, mommy makes us sit and rest for a while.
Then we go back home and get Angel. Soldier has to stay home, but I think he gets a cookie so he won't mind.
We walk up toward the barn and then back down the road again. It was a nice cool morning, and I enjoyed my long walk.
When we got home, both Angel and I jumped in the pool. And then we drank and drank from it. We were both very thirsty.
Then Angel started playing with Soldier. I think she was trying to trick him into getting in the pool. But that boy is so scared of water, I don't believe he is a lab cross like me.  Here he is, anyway, playing with Angel.
We had a lot of fun on our walk today and I liked playing in the water and getting all wet and dirty when we got home.

Posted by me......Princess!
Here is grandma Carol's slug bug explanation:
"I guess I forgot to explain Slug Bug..that is what they call a Volkswagen Bug in Bangkok. When you see one, you are supposed to punch someone in the arm and say "slug bug" but James and Toffee won't tolerate the kids punching each other so they just say slug bug and try to find the most on each trip."
And I thought it was some kind of exotic Thai bug!! I guess I'm supposed to do my research before I put stuff out in cyberspace. But I got a good laugh out of it....


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