Of our three dogs, only one knows what to do with a tennis ball.
Soldier -- Doesn't have a clue. Keeps it in his mouth for a while then loses the ball.
Samson -- Finds the ball, has no idea what to do with it either. Drops the ball.
Samson -- Picks the ball up again. Faces off with Angel.
- Angel to Samson: OK, you got the ball, now you're supposed to give it to Mommy so she can throw it.
- Samson to Angel: Then what?
- Angel: Then you're supposed to run after it and fetch it and bring it back to Mommy.
- Samson: Then what?
- Angel: You're supposed to drop it at Mommy's feet.
- Samson: Then what?
- Angel: Then Mommy throws it again and you chase it and bring it back to her.
Samson: You gotta be kidding me!!!