A few pictures from a morning walk:
We had two cottonwood trees in our front yard when we first moved here. Both trees died during the drought, but this one came back with, what I think is called suckers beginning to grow leaves. Just a few at first, but this year they took off and it once again looks like a tree with thick, deep green, foliage. I haven't watered it all summer, and it hasn't rained since spring, so there must be plenty of water underground.
Just me trying to be artistic.
Our juniper trees look like bushes and their cones look like berries. The animals, from black bears to ravens, love to eat them.
I walked up the hillside behind my house
and took a few pictures.
Came down behind the back of my house.
Then walked a bit farther, toward Joyce's place.
I zoomed in, first on her three horses eating breakfast
then on one of her dogs, Carmen, watching me and barking her alarm. She was really far away, so just a small yellow dot here.
Then back home where I took a picture of the juniper tree I trimmed down in 2016. I was in really good shape that summer, now not so much. But the weather is finally cooling down and we're back to playing with Faith and her balls, my new camera, and walking in the hills. Both dogs have to lose some weight after this long hot summer. I know at least Faith will.