Thursday, February 7, 2019


Our lawn was replaced by weeds during the drought and now, because of the high fire risk, we must have 100 feet clearance around our houses by June 1 of each year. When a hard rain falls and there's no vegetation, everything becomes a muddy mess. 

Samson doesn't mind becoming a muddy mess. He also doesn't mind if his furry paws drag it in the house. I'm glad though that I put in the patio, it helps a lot.

Then some snow fell, some snow mixed with rain fell (snoblandat regn in Swedish - don't know why that has stayed in my mind). I love the wintry light here, I love when a weak winter sun shines from behind the clouds. 

I'm definitely a winter person, apart from horseback riding and swimming, my favorite sports were ice skating on hockey skates and later speed skates, and cross-country skiing. But when I was a kid in Sweden, winter lasted from about November to April, or something like that, which is way too long as you get old. Here the snow lasts a few days at the max. The sun is still very warm and I am still living in Southern California and that's OK. I've never had to shovel snow here.

Samson is loving it!

Faith says, "please get me out of here! Now!"

I'm finishing up with a picture Barbro just sent me from Sweden where it's very cold and a huge amount of snow has fallen. She said she's so ready for spring.

And a beautiful spring it will be, all around. However, my tractor guy has retired, so I will have to find someone else to cut back the weeds before June 1.  Joyce says not to fret, it will all work out. Since I do tend to fret, I will, even though that is a completely useless emotion. It will probably all work out. It usually does.

Have a great day, everyone!

Happy Birthday to my friend Jane!


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