Sunday, January 31, 2021
Sunday Morning Reflections
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Winter Comes To The Canyon
Monday, January 25, 2021
Conversations With Faith
Faith: Now that's the kind of news that could make a dog smile. When can I have some?
Me: If Walmart will have it you can have it soon. If not, you'll have to wait until I can go shopping again. And we have a big problem.
Faith: What's that?
Me: Samson can only have the tiniest amount because of his sensitive stomach.
Faith: So I can't brag that I got the mostest?
Me: The most. And yes, I mean no, you can't brag.
Faith: If Walmart doesn't have it, you can ask Auntie Jeanne to buy some at her store.
Me: No, I only want to ask her to get what we absolutely need.
Faith: Like Blue Cheese?
Me: OK, you are right, so maybe we can.
Faith: She only likes her cats, can they have some?
Me: She likes you too. And no, cats don't like sweets, only humans and dogs do.
Faith: Figures!
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Sunday Morning Reflections

Friday, January 22, 2021
Notes From The Canyon
Thursday, January 21, 2021
As the sun set yesterday on four very difficult years for me, I found myself exhaling, tension leaving my neck and shoulders, a few tears of gratitude for a kind and caring man being sworn in as our new President.
I avoid politics here, but yesterday was not about politics. Yesterday was about truth first and foremost. And it was about decency, empathy, caring and trust.
So I exhaled, dried my tears, took a deep breath and smiled.
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
An Ancient Prayer For Today - January 20, 2021
Monday, January 18, 2021
Meet My New Neighbor
The pictures are not that good because I can no longer get down low, which is really required for a good picture of a short animal. I have the same problem with dog photos. Ah, the things we take for granted and never even think about when we are young.
Never mind that.
Isn't he adorable? Doesn't he warm your heart and make you smile? When I worked at the Donkey Rescue, I fell so completely in love with donkeys. I admire them for their loving temperaments, their intelligence, and just the plain fun of interacting with them.
I love donkeys so much and now I have one just a few steps away.
I hope he will bring some joy to you as well. We all need some donkey love right now.
Sunday, January 17, 2021
Friday, January 15, 2021
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Conversations With Faith
Faith: What's the White House?
Me: It's where the President lives and a new President will soon be moving in there. And his two dogs will move in with him.
Faith: What's the President?
Me: Never mind, the important thing for you to know is that the current President doesn't have a dog or a cat living with him in the White House. But the new one will.
Faith: Why would a cat even be allowed to live in the White House if it's such an important place?
Me: Because cats are important too, people love their cats very much.
Faith: They don't guard.
Me: They kill the mice you totally ignore.
Faith: I'm a retriever, not a killer.
Me: Anyhow, I thought you would be glad to know that dogs will once again live in the White House.
Faith: A treat would make me gladder.
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
A Day In America
This picture evokes in me both sadness and anger. Five lives lost, for what? Our flag so poignant, even the statue seems to be mourning a terrible day in America.
Sunday, January 10, 2021
Friday, January 8, 2021
Favorite Photos ~ Post No. 1
A subway station in Stockholm, Sweden
(I didn't notice all the red highlights when I took the picture.
Now they are the reason this is one of my favorite photos.)
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
A Walk Around My Place
And back at my house, check out that dramatic sky!
I hope you enjoyed this walk around my place.
Sunday, January 3, 2021
Sunday Morning Reflections
Faith, so patient and loving. It can't be easy for a dog, full of energy and fun, to live with an 80-year old woman, I sometimes think.
Then I take the tool that makes me able to throw her ball some distance, raise it in the air and off she goes at a great speed, fetches the ball and comes back for more. And all is well in her world. And in mine...