Friday, July 8, 2022

Memories ~Mountain Climbing


Because of the long summer vacations the Swedes are fortunate to enjoy, my parents were able to take us kids all over Sweden to both show and teach us about our country. 

Here I am in the province of Harjedalen, which borders Norway. 

The mountain peak was marked with rocks.

I was only ten years old here. I grew very fast as a child.  I was tall early in life and reached my full height of a 1/4 inch short of six feet at the age of 12.  

A very tall and skinny girl, teased a lot, but it all worked out in the end. 

While on this vacation, I had many adventures. I met members of the Sami people for the first time. 

My dad and I climbed this mountain and had a scary encounter with a reindeer herd. The herd came thundering down the mountain right to where my dad and I were hiking. 

All went well with that encounter, but it left a lasting memory. 

Here I am, finding our location on a map. Concentrating. 

And here I'm playing in a minor glacier or most likely just a patch of snow that hadn't melted yet. 

I've posted about this before and found these pictures among my blog photos. 

Oh, I also had had my very first perm. One of the few perms of my entire life. I had one or two more during the big hair days of the 1980's. Oh, and one when I traveled alone to Germany at the age of 12, to spend the summer with a German family, who were friends of my dad's. 

That's an idea! Since I'm not the most active person these days, maybe it's OK to post about that long ago adventure too. 


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