In Copenhagen a 22-year old man killed three and injured seven.
The man apparently is mentally unstable. Not a terrorist. Noted with some relief, perhaps? Still, there seems to be far too many mentally unstable young men and far too easy access to big guns.
In a Swedish city of medium size, a teenager was shot and injured. I didn't read the article, so I don't know they age of the shooter, just another young man or boy, I imagine.
It appears to me that shootings are no longer unusual in Sweden. Even though mass shootings may be.
I'm old enough to remember when the police in Sweden didn't carry guns.
Then back to the United States, where so many people get killed by guns it's unimaginable. This time a mass shooting with six people killed (at the time when this article was written, I don't know if there are more now) and 30 people injured.
My grandmother used to say, circa 1956, "I don't know what the world has come to, so many changes."
Yes, she lived during the first and second world wars, even though she didn't experience them first hand, living in Sweden.
But I'm sure she never imagined or feared being shot down while walking on a city street or shopping in a grocery store.