Saturday, July 14, 2012

Latest News From the Canyon

So I decided to take a little break from blogging to get a few other things done. And what happens? I miss everyone terribly! I wonder about you guys, I hope you are having a great summer week, and, Feral Woman: I hope things are getting better. Slowly. I'm sure you don't have time to read blogs, but I wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and that the above picture of my petunias is for you. Together with many hugs.

I finally got Google Friend Connect to accept a new picture of me. It has rejected those from Rachael's camera and I didn't think I had any from mine. This one is from last summer, so it will have to do. In the other one I was 66, so a big difference in how I look. And now I can have the same picture when I sign up to follow a blog as when I leave comments. I've had two different ones for over a year and sometimes people have asked me to follow their blogs when I already do. Now everyone new to my blog can get to know me in my straw hat that I like so much. I got it at The Grove, the celebrity hang-out shopping mall, close to our Los Angeles house -- I had no idea then how necessary my hat would turn out to be, up here in the desert heat. Now, I can't leave the house without it.

I'm not done working on my computer clean up, but I have blown out all the dust in the computer, printer, and all my stuff in here and fixed a few other things as well. But I haven't checked out the new photo programs nor learned anything else in Picasa. Fortunately for me, nature is cooperating here, presenting me with beautiful photo ops, like the one below. It's a reflection of a sunset and the mountains were red. Really, really red! It was gorgeous.

Around the house, I've purged my bookcases of over 100 books and I have gone through drawers and gotten rid of a lot more stuff. I've kept journals most of my life. Sometimes in my younger days, I decided to just get rid of them. Right now I have a drawer full, from 1982 on. I decided that I will get rid of them too, but first I'll go through them and write down some of the important stuff in Word -- no I don't have Word any more -- I guess it's Microsoft Works in this computer. It has been a very interesting project so far. I am now in the year 1990, with so many years to go. No memoir though. But maybe some stories will come from it. I know I wrote something poignant when Gypsy died. Gypsy was our Doberman. My hubby rescued her, but she sort of became my dog. Then she died and I wrote about her to help my pain. She was a wonderful dog. But I digress.

I have planted some petunias in baskets and hung around our fence. They are easy and hardy in the heat and pretty too. They will be the only garden for me this summer since  the rabbits ate up my roses. It is now, and it will be, a very hot and dry summer, so I'm sort of glad my husband didn't feel up to a vegetable garden. He's taking good care of his potted plants and they are bearing veggies. So far he's harvested bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, and rosemary. 

As promised by the weather woman on our local news, what she called a monsoon came our way. The weather turned from hot and dry to hotter and muggier. The kind of weather I escaped when I left Princeton, N. J. for California so long ago. I have zero tolerance for it and hoped for rain. A monsoon equals rain to me, but no rain came Thursday. I was glad when these black clouds showed up yesterday, hoping to get a good shower. NO, all we got was maybe 10 drops of rain and a beautiful lightning display to the north of us. Thunderstorms over Jawbone Canyon, they said on the local TV news. I love that name. But not here. Just a teaser.

Then I won this book!! From Michelle, whose blog  
It's a Small Town Life I've enjoyed for a long time now. I'm looking forward to reading it, but first I must finish Wesley.

My friend, Jane, gave me this book for my birthday and I just started to read it. It's about a woman's life with a barn owl she rescued when he was only a few days old.  
Well, that's it for now. Have a nice rest of the weekend!


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