Somehow the time change got the better of my diabetes management and serious problems with my insulin resulted in blood sugars crashing to dangerously low levels. Fortunately, since I'm still alone here, I managed to catch each episode in time, before passing out.
Our bodies, including our brains, need the correct amount of insulin to be distributed and if that does not happen our system gets out of whack. After three episodes of low blood sugars, I felt horrible and stayed in bed for two days. Fortunately, I have an 800-plus page book by Stephen King to read. I never read anything by him before, but the book was only a quarter at the thrift store, so I picked it up. Now I'm so into this book, called 11/22/63, about a man coming back from 2011 to 1958 for the purpose of preventing the assassination of President Kennedy. It's really good with suspense building over all those pages. I'm in 1963 now, but only on page 500 something.
Thank you so much for all your comments that awaited me as I opened my blog this morning.
I signed up for bloglovin' and I think I will like it and it will enable me to read and comment on blogs more efficiently. I also found some new blogs in the process. Blogs that I know I will enjoy discovering.
My aol email got a bug of some sort. I forgot to log out and I don't know if that's how the bug snuck in (or sneaked in, I guess I should say). Now it will not allow me to send emails unless I click on a link. That, of course, I didn't do, instead, I googled the link and found a lot of other aol users that had the same problem. Not feeling so good, I didn't read anything or try to fix the problem.
Since I'm fed up with aol anyway, I will check out g-mail. Might as well, everything else is Google. I want to come up with a better user name than my entire name. I can't come up with anything, so please let me know if something comes to mind.
Finally, yesterday was my friend Lin's 92nd birthday! I talked to her on the phone, she is still as bright as ever and has kept her sense of humor through all these years. She told me she's now using a walker, but made fun of it, how it gets stuck in doorways, etc. When Lin was 55, she moved into the apartment building where I lived in Los Angeles. I looked out my kitchen window and saw the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I remember it so well. That she turned out to be just as beautiful inside has been one of the great blessings of my life. Happy Birthday, my dear friend.
One more thing: Chatty Crone asked who Rachael is. I've written so much about Rachael, I forget that not everyone reading my blog will know who she is. Rachael is a very close friend of mine and another true blessing in my life. She's 30 years younger than I, but still seems to enjoy the company of this old lady. Perhaps the way I enjoy Lin's. I met her when we both worked at the donkey rescue. Rachael has volunteered with animals all her life, while working in regular offices, but now she is one of two park animal keepers in the Los Angeles county park system. She works with critters as small as chickens and as large as bisons. I plan to visit her at her job soon.

Rachael with Orion, the great-horned owl.
I have to go to town now to pick up a few essentials, like coffee, and may, if I feel up to it drive up to the monastery. I really want to get my Christmas shopping out of the way early this year. And, yes, the checkbook is in my purse.
Didn't mean for this to be so long.......