Thursday, March 29, 2012

Income taxes, Swedish Food and Berries -- Lots of Berries!

Yesterday, we drove down to Los Angeles to get our income taxes done. Since we were in the neighborhood, we stopped by Fishducky's house, but found no one at home. Sorry we missed you my dear friend.

Happy that we didn't owe any tax money, we then decided to go to the Scandinavian store and stock up on some herring, cheese and these wonderful crisp breads - knaeckebrod in Swedish. I lived off the salty herring and this crisp bread while I had the flu, so we were completely out. The store is owned by a Mr. Olson, old now, but he keeps it going. Yesterday, he had a young Swedish-American guy helping him. We chatted for a while in Swedish and he told me his mom was Swedish and he had learned about the store at Christmas time.

The store is very close to where we used to live and every Christmas, I remember, Swedish women from far and wide would descend on the store to get the Swedish Christmas ham and other goodies. So the young man's mom had been a part of that and kept the old traditions alive. The matjes herring is in the above container. We got two of these, just to have. This is one of our favorite meals: thick slices of fatty, salty herring that you cover with sour cream, chopped up chives or green onions, and topped with chopped up hard-boiled eggs and serve with fresh potatoes (if you can find them). We also have a salad with this meal. 

On our way home, we stopped in Lancaster, a town in the Antelope Valley, about 45 miles from here. Costco was our destination. We just became members last month and are  trying them out. Not sure yet if we like this huge store or not. Or if we save any money for that matter. With my husband in tow, I am not so sure that any money gets saved when there's food to buy. As an example, I got the berries above. A reasonable amount that I can reasonably finish eating before they go bad. My husband spied these wonderful looking strawberries and just had to have them. 

All four pounds of them! "I want to get healthy again," he said and after being as sick as we were, I can't blame him for that. Maybe he'll create a wonderful strawberry dish from some of them. 
Yesterday went well, my second outing since feeling better, but this morning I woke up early and exhausted. Then I couldn't go back to sleep, so now I'm working on drinking coffee, hoping it will wake me up. I am excited though, because later today I get to go to the library! It's only open three days a week now and it seems I haven't been there for ages. 
Have a nice day, everyone!


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