Theme ~ Swedish Rhapsody
The A to Z Challenge begins tomorrow. Over 1,300 bloggers have signed up this year so it should be great fun. To meet the challenge, we have to post every day in April, except Sundays, but since there are five Sundays this April, we will begin tomorrow . That will take us through the alphabet from A to Z.
Last year, my theme was Desert Canyon Living and this year it is Swedish Rhapsody. I have a subject for almost all the letters so that's a relief.
The parts that cover my memories will be from my childhood and teenage years, the 1940s and 50s, with some from more recent visits. I moved to the United States in 1962, so of course, much has changed in Sweden since then. My posts will not be very serious and will cover traditions, food, drink, nature, folklore, places, books, memories and more. I hope you will join me on this alphabet journey and that I will be able to entertain you.
Since you won't hear from the dogs for a month, here is an update:
Angel, very old now, but doing well. She is healthy and still guards, disciplines Samson, plays with Samson, steals my slippers, and then she sleeps. Pippi Birdie in the background is also healthy and doing well. He's only been sick once in 12 years and made it through OK. A great little companion.
Samson has recovered well from his bout with pancreatitis (sp?) and is back to his old complaining self. He's particularly mad that I haven't let him blog about his experience at the vet. I have had a running battle with my husband to have Samson neutered. When Samson was at the vet, they determined that he has an enlarged prostate. Something common in older dogs that haven't been fixed, but unusual in someone less than three years old. So, he doesn't know this yet, but next week, he'll go back to the vet to get fixed. I'm not happy that he has this problem, which could turn serious, but I am very happy to get this battle out of the way. Please say a prayer for him, that all will go smoothly. Thanks.
Finally, if anyone can help me with this, I would much appreciate it. It has happened to me once before and got fixed without me doing anything. The problem is that both the size of my Dashboard and the font of both my dashboard and my comment pop up screen in Google Chrome has shrunk to a practically unreadable size. Right before the A to Z Challenge at that. It is still the normal size in Internet Explorer. However, it takes forever to blog in Internet Explorer, so this presents a bit of a problem. But I will deal with it, not much else to do, unless one of you may have a solution.
This is the size of the Dashboard in Google Chrome
and this is the regular size, here displayed in Internet Explorer.