Some of you asked about my surgery. It has been postponed.
The PET scan I had a few weeks ago found a one centimeter nodule in my right lung. If it turns out to be cancerous, I believe I will be treated with chemo for both cancers.
The biopsy of the lung nodule was postponed from October 19 to October 24. With a weekend in-between, not that many working days, but once again, I get to practise my patience.
This also means I get two weeks off from scans. Jeanne pointed out, that this could be a gift.
I can eat, drink and be merry; check out my pancake lunch above. A little heavy on the whipped topping, I know. But I had no syrup, so that's my excuse.
And I can take care of this:
Continue emptying my drawers at home of all things that don't bring me joy, to quote Marie Kondo. I'm so with her and love doing this.
Get my flu shot. I earlier decided to only get the Covid booster, not the combination, so now I can get the flu shot taken care of.
Get my hair cut. I don't know what will happen in the future, but facing it with a bit shorter hair will not hurt.
So that's the plan, my friends.