Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tuesday's Treasures & Things

This Tuesday's treasure is an original painting by Susan Holm, titled "Touch my Grain Bowl and You’re History."

I love this painting: The sweet-faced donkey, who could so easily put the dog in his place; the dog, who is trying to look mean, but is not quite sure if the grain is worth a fight he may not win; and the aloof cat, looking the other way. 

If you want to put some sunshine in your day, if you want to smile a huge smile, if you want to just feel happy, please check out Susan's web site: www.artistsusanholm.com There you will find paintings from Susan Holm's farm, inspired by her interactions with the animals she rescued that now live on the farm.

I don't know Susan Holm, I found out about her art at a silent auction at the rescue next door, where I bought this painting. But if I had money to spare, my home would be filled with her art.


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