Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A to Z Challenge, Welcoming New Followers, Awards

A warm welcome to the next five new followers who signed up during the A to Z Challenge:

Valerie Furnas -- Valerie, there was no link to a blog on your Follow form. If you have one, I probably found it and its in my blog roll. If you read this, please leave a comment and I can find a link that way.  Janie is from northern California and is retired from work in hospice care. I'm in awe of people who work in that field. Janie's passion is photography and she has some gorgeous pictures to prove it on her blog. Sage lives in Cornwall in the UK and is interested in the Cornish language and way of life. Having read many books from Cornwall, I know I will enjoy Sage's blog. Michelle, has written a couple of childrens' books, a YA novel and is working on an adult novel. Michelle says her days are filled with family, reading and writing.  Laura says she is making a hobby of learning old time skills, such as cheese making, candle making, spinning and so on. That sounds so creative, interesting and inspiring to me.

Please take a minute and check these blogs out, I know you will find them interesting.

Now to the A to Z Challenge:

Elizabeth Mueller at  gave all of us who completed the A to Z Challenge this award. She plans to visit all our blogs (FYI, I was number 1200 something so that's a lot of blogs).

Thank you, Elizabeth

Also, a warm thank you to the organizers of the A to Z  Challenge. 

I love comments, getting them and leaving them on the blogs I read. So I was happy that my A to Z Challenge posts averaged 27 comments per post, with the N is for Nature post getting the most at 39.

I was most pleasantly surprised, however, by the 31 comments I received for the I is for Insulin Dependent Diabetes post. Some of you said I helped you understand the two types of diabetes better and I got a feeling I may even have helped someone out there. That was the most satisfying experience of the challenge. 

I will miss the Challenge. I was not tired of it, not at all. It was the most fun I've had since I started blogging. Picking a theme I love, this canyon life, and using a lot of photographs I already had, helped to make easier for me. I met a lot of nice bloggers and made some new blogger friends. All in all, it was a fun experience.

Finally, I got a Kreativ Blogger award from Munir at  

Thank you, Munir, this was such a nice surprise. There are three or four things I love about blogging and the chance to be creative in my old age, is one of them. I will work on keeping it up. I am supposed to tell you all five things about myself. And, I guess, pass this award along to other Kreativ Bloggers. I will get to that in a few days. 


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