This picture made me think of Madsnapper Sandra, and how you, my friend, can make everyday items into art with your camera.
You may wonder what this old chair without a seat is doing out here in the middle of nowhere. I do too.
we walked down to the main road, turned around.......
up to the barn, which is behind the house a ways.......
As you can see, it was a pretty good walk and I wanted to document it because Soldier looked so bad in the night, pooped in his sleep, and could barely get up. I worried he might die. But once he got outside, he walked all that way ( not much longer than a mile, but still, in deep snow) and he didn't want it to end. I wasn't feeling so hot myself after not eating properly for the procedure, but he inspires me. We are a good team of old dog, old woman, getting up and out with smiles on our faces.
I thought of Dee Ready when I took this picture. I remember you liked the look of the juniper trees, so I thought you might enjoy seeing one covered in snow.
Finally, thank you so much for visiting and leaving happy comments about my good results yesterday. When I opened my blog this morning, it was like greeting some very good friends for breakfast to celebrate my good news. So I leave you with this, which is a picture of my special branch. I will come back to it when buds appear in spring. I appreciate your friendship so much.