Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday Morning Reflections

Today, I am thinking of our friend Fran who is dealing with medical issues. Some of you know Fran from her pen-and-ink drawings and stained glass windows that I post here; others know her from her clever and funny blog: fishducky, finally and her book, Fishducky's Fables. Please send healing thoughts Fran's way ~ thank you so much. 

I am also thinking of Roland, a blogger friend, facing surgery; and my dearest friend, who may not want her name here, dealing with skin cancer.

Samson Says: Daddy and me hope you get better soon, Auntie Fishducky!

Finally, I want to thank all of you for your concern and the kind and healing thoughts that came my way after I injured my ribs. I'm feeling much, much better and I am grateful for you, my blogger friends. 


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